Sunday, November 20, 2022

First Post-Op Update

 My surgery was on Wednesday, 16 November. My arrival time was 8:20 am and my scheduled time to be in the OR was 9:50. I arrived, got checked in, and did all the pre-op stuff. Changed into the gown, had my vitals taken, an IV started, the whole nine yards. This gown was interesting as there was a port in it for a hose that could either heat or cool you to your liking. It felt weird, to say the least. 

After the requisite waiting around they wheeled me back and my wife was left to fend for herself with my belongings in the waiting room. I am not sure how long I was in surgery or the recovery room, all I remember is slightly coming to in my room. The rest of that day would be marked by me slipping in and out of consciousness and trying to drink water whenever possible. It wasn't until much later in the evening that I did really wake up. 

I received some rounds of pain meds and nausea meds, but was unable to touch anything on the tray that dining brought to me that first evening. All night it was in and out of sleep, vitals being checked, meds being given, all that fun. But, in the morning, they unhooked me from most of the things and I was free to move around. I wandered around in my room and landed in the chair in the corner. Sitting upright to "eat" my clear liquid breakfast and drink my water while catching up on email and everything that had gone on the previous day. 

The day passed slowly with several check-ins by various members of the healthcare team. I then got the greenlight to go home and was out of there as quick as I could. My wife picked me up and I wasted almost no time hitting the sack because it was exhausting. 

The next couple of days have been plagued by hypoglycemic events at night and difficulties getting in all of my needed protein and hydration, but today has been a good one. I exceeded my protein goal and am feeling pretty good. The swelling seems to have subsided enough where my stomach has a better capacity and I can take in more liquids. 

Now I am just waiting for Wednesday when I can start the pureed foods diet. Would anyone think they were excited about pureed foods? If you had asked me a year ago, that would never have been me. But today that is where I am. 

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